02/23/2022 / By News Editors
As we see more evidence of food shortages and massive price hikes in images, reports and reader testimonies, we are sent what one reader called “The ultimate gauge of inflation” in the suject line of the email sent to ANP, where a “Manager’s Special” sale on a small boneless New York Strip is over $2 more than the original price when it wasn’t on sale.
(Article by Susan Duclos republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
The email text below explains why the reader felt it important to get this out there, so people can see what the MSM downplays when they even deign to report on the food crisis facing America.
Hi Guys !
First off THANK YOU for ALL that you do.
The attached photo – I took today at Food Lion in Carolina Beach NC. Notice the “Original Price” vs the Managers Special Price. This is the ultimate smoking gun on just how much this particular “Cut” of Meat has risen in the past few days. I would definitely say this is a sign that Hyper-Inflation is coming our way quickly.
After questioning the Manager about the price, the steaks were taken away from me and not re-priced. His comment to me was “We are heading back to the days of Beans & Rice quickly“….
You guys have my permission to use this…. Please share… Thank you again & Stay Well and Safe… God Bless
ANP Reader Image: Food Lion In NC
No matter how the MSM “spins” the food crisis facing Americans, between shortages and the “highest inflation in decades” to quote the Wall Street Journal” (Archive is link here), the issues are not going away any time soon.
“Grocery prices have been rising for months and will keep climbing, supermarket executives say.” – WSJ, Feb. 17, 2022
In the article it states that prices are expected to continue to rise, at least through the rest of the 2022.
Higher costs for labor, freight and ingredients are reflected in rising prices, food industry executives said, so nearly all food is affected. The prices of meat, fish and eggs have risen the most, increasing 12.2% over the past year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Beef prices are up across the board. Prices of beef and veal rose 16% in January from the same month a year ago, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with beef roasts increasing 19.2% and beef steaks climbing 17.1%.
Chicken prices went up 10.3%. Strong demand has pushed up prices of chicken breasts, tenders and wings faster than prices of dark meat such as chicken thighs and leg quarters, said Andrea Karns, vice president of sales and marketing at grocer Karns Foods.
Is it any wonder we are seeing more and more reports discussing “cannibalism,” and eating bugs…. for some, those bugs may be all they can afford as protein soon.
Yes, that is snark, but at the rate shortages and inflation is going, keeping a family fed is becoming more difficult by the week. Whether it is because the foods being hunted are not on the shelves with no idea when or if they will be restocked, or because the prices are becoming so high for certain foods that some families simply cannot afford those foods on top of their living expenses, utilities, rent, etc…
Of course the standard media “advice” is don’t stock up too much because that will cause shortages…. ha!!
Of course the shortages are already being seen as images sent to ANP from readers continue to show, but this way the MSM is setting up their “strawman argument,” or scapegoats, in order to later claim people were “hoarding” food and caused the shortages, rather than admitting they themselves downplayed the food crisis to the point that by the time the public is informed, the shelves are already bare.
Filling your pantries, freezers and stocking up on basics before they either disappear and/or get so expensive you cannot afford to eat properly, is called prepping, not hoarding, no matter what the MSM claims.
ANP Reader Image, Giant Store, PA
The note from the reader that sent the image above, stated:
I have not seen too many shortages in our local Giant since all of this started. Maybe sporadic items low in stock but nothing major until today.
Items that were short but I didn’t take photos included kitty litter, bagged salads and there was NO 2% milk and other kinds were limited. Paper products were low.
Photos: There was almost no chicken and the signs said fresh poultry was limited to 3 per customers. “Real” creamers including half and half were either low quantities or none although they did have some non dairy creamers. The cat food and biscuit shelves were stripped almost clean. Frozen foods were bare.
As we have been doing these food crisis pieces throughout the Covid-era, we have, and continue to note that some, like the reader above, had not seen these types of shortages, and then WHAM, it hits their area out of nowhere.
For those already seeing an issue at their local grocers, it is easy to understand the need to supplement your stores now, restock, top off what is already there and in some cases increase the amounts because while “experts” these days rarely agree on much, they do seem to agree on one basic fact: The food crises won’t be ending anytime soon.
For those living in areas where the food shortages are minimal, and they are still able to find most of what they are looking for, albeit at higher prices, remember the readers words above ” I have not seen too many shortages in our local Giant since all of this started. Maybe sporadic items low in stock but nothing major until today.”
Those not noticing an issue today, may find major shortages as of the next visit.
By then it is too late to get what you want and need and you are stuck making do with what is left on the shelves.
Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com
Tagged Under:
chaos, Collapse, disinfo, food collapse, food crisis, food shortage, food supply, grocery, inflation, mainstream media, panic, price increase, products, propaganda, starvation, supply chain
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