survival food
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Prepping tips for beginners: Nutritious emergency foods to stock up on
Prepping for emergencies requires a lot of careful planning, especially when deciding which foods you should stock up on. While making sure you and your family don’t starve to death when SHTF is the ultimate goal, building a survival food stockpile is not as simple as filling your pantry with groceries. In a survival situation, you’ll […]
By HRS Editors
Stock up on these long-term storable survival foods that you can grab at a grocery store
After SHTF, it’s possible that the nearest grocery stores will be empty within hours. If you don’t want to run out of supplies during emergencies, start scouring the local stores for survival foods before it’s too late. Prepare for an emergency situation where supply chains fail by investing in a long-term food supply for your family. […]
By HRS Editors
Health Ranger Store explains freeze-dried food vs. dehydrated food
When you’re preparing before disaster strikes, much of your time and effort will go into securing a survival food supply for your family. This can get expensive, which is why you should consider getting items that are worth each dollar, such as dehydrated or freeze-dried foods. Both these processes preserve food for long periods of […]
By Olivia Cook
6 Civil War-era foods you can still make today (recipes included)
During the Civil War, many items were scarce and ingredients like eggs, meat or yeast may have been challenging or expensive to purchase. In light of this, folks came up with creative recipes that work well without such ingredients. The history of these foods is probably much richer than their flavors. They were developed using materials […]
By Olivia Cook
8 Edible plants to look for when you go hungry in the DESERT
The Sonoran Desert region covers approximately 100,000 square miles. It covers most of the southern half of Arizona and southeastern California in the United States. The desert also covers parts of Mexico, including most of the Baja California peninsula and much of the state of Sonora – which lends its name to the region. (h/t […]
By HRS Editors
Prepping tips: How to prepare a food storage starter kit
Building your own food storage starter kit is one of the most basic things you need to learn if you want to be prepared for a food emergency or survival situation. Making a food storage starter kit is not as simple as going to your local grocery store and stocking up on whatever food options […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Survival gardening: The best crops to grow for self-sufficiency
Self-sufficiency is something all preppers strive for. When SHTF, being self-sufficient will give you a great advantage because it will enable you to take care of yourself and your family long term. Aside from stocking up on necessary supplies, you also need to train yourself and hone your skills to become self-sufficient. Gardening is an excellent survival skill to […]
By Zoey Sky
4 Food preservation methods to avoid spoilage and 3 alternatives to refrigeration
As a prepper, it takes a lot of time and hard work to become truly food self-sufficient. Fortunately, some prepping skills can help you on your journey, such as learning how to preserve food. By using the proper food preservation techniques, you can keep your harvest fresh and edible, even without a refrigerator or freezer. (h/t […]
By Olivia Cook
Food storage: Containers for storing wheat berries for optimal shelf life
Biologically speaking, the wheat berry, also known as the “kernel,” is the seed from which a wheat plant grows. They are a powerful survival food that, if stored properly, can last for years in your stockpile. Wheat seeds or wheat berries are true whole grains that will keep you healthy. They are a great source of […]
By Olivia Cook
Food Security: The best crops to grow in an edible garden
A practical, self-sufficient survival garden is one of the best friends you can have if and when the next crisis hits hard – where you can still make the “fresh is best” lifestyle a reality even in the event of a collapse. Container gardens, grow bag gardens, hydroponic kits, pots on a windowsill and window boxes, […]
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